Core values are an individual’s fundamentals beliefs and highest priorities that drive their behaviour and decisions. Every person has a core value deep down, one only needs to excavate it from within and understand.
Whatever things you go through, you stay true to who you are and your core value. A high valued women is independent and self-sufficient. She embraces her flaws and love herself unconditionally. When women can love herself, she will able to know her life mission and journey.
Before you start anything about your mission and vision, you need to know your core values. They are so essential that you need to know before you start any business. Your core values will define how you want to live your life and will pave the way for your future business. The moment you find your core values, introspect whether you abide by them. Your actions and decisions are aligned with your values that’s what you radiate and vibrate. The law of attraction kicks in and sets off a force that will make your action easier because you are in alignment with who you are. Miracles and coincidences start to happen. The alignment only happens when you know your purpose and work according to your values.
Passion and determination are two essential characteristics of successful women entrepreneur. Passion refers to burning desire to achieve something while determination signifies your mental strength and rigidity to stay firm on your way to goal.
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